Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chapter 1 homework

Interchangable Wooden Block Portraits by Miller Goodman
This artwork utilizes harmony, repetition, grid, proximity, and continuity. This design is visually unified because all the elements in this work all agree together. There is a great amount of similarity and not much chaos or variety. Since there is a union among the elements (colors, shapes and amount of negative space) we can conclude that this piece utilizes harmony. This piece also utilizes repetition as the colors and shapes in this piece are repeated. The colors red, black and white are the only colors in this piece and are repeated throughout the composition. The shapes in his shirt, mustache, eyes, and hair are repeated as well. 
There is a grid present in this piece that divides up the composition into squares and creates a pattern. There is also a grouping of shapes and colors in this piece. The red blocks are grouped together at the bottom while the black blocks are grouped together in his hair. This grouping is a prime example of proximity. Proximity also promotes continuity in this piece. The shapes and colors are continued from one block to another, lining up with their edges. 

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