Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reproduciton of Artwork with Vocabulary Words

'Silence still governs our Concsiousness', 2011 by Jacob Hashimoto     
This work of art utilizes the elements of shape, non-objective, curvilinear, rectilinear, isometric projection and an illusion of depth. The colorful patterns within the circles use shapes to form those patterns. Some of those patterns have a characteristic of rectilinear. Those patterns are the ones that have geometric forms that have sharp edges. The other patterns and the white ovals that surround the strips of patterns have a curvilinear feature. Their edges are curved and more organic. The patterns and the piece as a whole can be considered a non-objective composition, meaning there is no specific subject matter. The ovals on the top left of the piece creates an isometric projection. They recede on a diagonal, remaining parallel without converging towards a vanishing point. Since the ovals overlap each other and reduce in size as it moves farther away from the front, there seems to be an illusion of depth.

1 comment:

  1. How did you know this is one of my favorite artists!
    Jacob Hashimoto!
    Great posts lately!
